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Unduh Aplikasi Reku

What is the ownership status of the stocks I hold on the Reku platform?

We collaborate with PT Pasar Forex dan Komoditi Berjangka, a registered futures broker licensed by BAPPEBTI as a Customer Order Routing Representative to Foreign Exchanges (PALN), to provide access to US stock products. Through this partnership, you can invest in US stocks safely and legally. When you trade US stocks through our platform, the underlying US stock assets are traded in your name. Your transactions are recorded at PT Bursa Berjangka Jakarta (JFX) and PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (KBI). However, you will not have voting rights for the stocks you own.

Raih Tujuan Keuanganmu dengan Reku!

Unduh aplikasi Reku sekarang untuk membantumu mendapatkan hasil maksimal dalam membangun portofolio investasi kripto dan saham AS dengan pengalaman yang lancar, fitur komprehensif, dan banyak keuntungan hingga kamu bisa mencapai kebebasan finansial

Jual-beli kripto dan saham AS
Promo untuk pengguna baru US Stock hingga Rp10 juta*
Dapatkan konten eksklusif terkait saham dan crypto terbaru

*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku
