Trade Kripto
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Unduh Aplikasi Reku

Pusat Informasi

Why is the price and coin amount on the confirmation page different from the amount of coins I received?

Why is the price and coin amount on the confirmation page different from the amount of coins I received?

In Lightning mode, although prices change in real-time, you will only see price changes reflected every ~3 seconds for a superior experience. Due to this 3 second delay, when confirming your trade on Lightning mode, the executed price may differ from the price reflected on screen.

Raih Tujuan Keuanganmu dengan Reku!

Unduh aplikasi Reku sekarang untuk membantumu mendapatkan hasil maksimal dalam membangun portofolio investasi kripto dan saham AS dengan pengalaman yang lancar, fitur komprehensif, dan banyak keuntungan hingga kamu bisa mencapai kebebasan finansial

Jual-beli kripto dan saham AS
Promo untuk pengguna baru US Stock hingga Rp10 juta*
Dapatkan konten eksklusif terkait saham dan crypto terbaru

*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku
