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Automate Your Wealth-building Strategy

Kickstart your investing journey with Reku Packs. Choose from our catalog of highly curated strategies based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.

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Reku Packs is suitable for you, if you

Want to invest like the top experts do

With Reku Packs that cover Nancy Pelosi, top tier Hedge Funds, Harvard University Endowment Fund, you can invest like they do, minus all the hassle.

Just started investing in either US Stocks or Crypto

We have curated Starter Packs for both US Stocks and Crypto, which covers bluechip and popular assets. Specifically for US Stocks, the Starter Pack is packed with ETFs that aims to diversify your holdings across bonds, dividend stocks, growth stocks, and commodities.

Wish your investments are on auto-pilot

When the time comes for rebalancing, with just 1 click, your Reku Packs will be automatically rebalanced.

How It Works

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Discover strategies suited to your financial preference

Always wanted to invest stocks like Nancy Pelosi, Harvard University, and top tier Hedge Funds? Just getting started and want the perfect beginner portfolio? Discover a range of strategies with Reku Packs.

Due diligence, done right
Receive notifications about rebalances to keep your allocations current

Exclusive strategies with Reku Packs

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Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi is a prominent U.S. politician and was a former Speaker of the House. She has a stellar track record for stock picking, garnering attention from investors looking to follow her investment decisions....Read more
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Top-tier US Hedge Fund
Investing in top-tier hedge funds, like Citadel and Bridgewater Associates, offers access to high-caliber management, advanced strategies, and potential for superior returns. These funds often provide diversification, risk management, and opportunities not available in traditional investments....Read more
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Harvard University
Harvard University's endowment fund is one of the largest and most successful in the world, renowned for its size and strong investment returns, which support the university's operations and programs....Read more
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Reku Starter Pack
Reku's discretionary fund offers a smart start to US stock investing, loaded with ETFs that balance returns, diversification, and risk management....Read more

Have questions?
We have answers.

Reku Packs is an easy way for you to kickstart your investing journey and automate your wealth-building strategy. You can choose from our catalog of highly curated strategies based on your financial goals and risk tolerance. When investing in a Reku Pack, you will be buying all the stocks in the pack, in its assigned allocations. When allocations change, you will be notified with timely alerts for easy 1-click rebalancing.

Score your Financial Goals with Reku!

Download Reku to effortlessly manage your crypto and US stock investments, enjoying a seamless experience, all-inclusive features, and exciting rewards as you strive for financial freedom.

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