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How is crypto asset tax calculated in Reku?

How is crypto asset tax calculated in Reku?

Example of buy transaction tax calculation:

You buy 0,1 BTC of Bitcoin crypto assets at a unit price of IDR 500.000.000 per BTC. The transaction fee for buying at Reku is 0,1% per transaction.

For this transaction, the fees that you bear are based on the following formula:

[Trading fee: 0,1% + (VAT: 1% x 11% = 0,11%)] x (crypto amount x unit price)

0,21% x (0,1 BTC x IDR 500.000.000) = IDR 105.000

Example of sell transaction tax calculation:

You sell 0,1 BTC of Bitcoin crypto assets at a unit price of IDR 500.000.000 per BTC. The selling transaction fee on Reku is 0,1% per transaction.

For this transaction, the fees that you bear are based on the following formula:

[Trading fee: 0,1% + PPh: 0,1%] x (amount of crypto x unit price)

0,2% x (0,1 BTC x IDR 500.000.000) = IDR 100.000

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