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Invest in US stocks with confidence and a competitive edge.

Reku is ready to guide you to invest in US stocks wisely, comfortably, and safely.

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Extended Trading Hours

Trade for 16 hours daily and get more control over your trading timing with our extended trading hours feature.


Reku Packs

Kickstart your investing journey and automate your wealth-building strategy. Choose from our catalog of highly curated strategies based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.



Exchange-Traded Fund is a type of investment fund traded on stock exchanges. It makes it easy for you to invest in sectors, industries, or even regions, so you don't have to pick individual stocks.


Reku Insights

Check out the ultimate guide to finding your next great US Stock investment.


USD Yield

Make the idle cash in your account work for you by earning in USD yield. Keep your money moving, even when you're not trading.


Portfolio Analysis

Get a clear picture of your financial growth with our portfolio insights. Track your profit & loss, understand your average cost, and see a comprehensive breakdown of your portfolio.


Advanced Order

We offer advanced order types like Limit & Stop limit to give you more flexibility and control over your trades.


Referral Program

Want to earn more? Just invite your friends to join Reku! You get a cash bonus each time a friend starts trading with us.

Trusted by 1 Million+ Users

Download the Reku app now and enjoy comprehensive features and an easy, safe, and comfortable US stock investment experience to achieve your financial freedom.