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Saya kehilangan akses ke Akun Reku saya?

Apabila Anda lupa password akun Reku, Anda dapat melakukan reset password. Apabila Anda tidak sengaja menghapus atau kehilangan 2-Factor Authentication,. Apabila nomor handphone yang Anda gunakan sudah tidak aktif, Anda dapat melakukan reset nomor handphone.

Reset 2-Factor Authentication dan nomor handphone membutuhkan waktu 1 x 24 jam.

Score your Financial Goals with Reku!

Download Reku to effortlessly manage your crypto and US stock investments, enjoying a seamless experience, all-inclusive features, and exciting rewards as you strive for financial freedom.

Trade crypto and US stocks
Get up to Rp10M+ per new US Stock user*
Enjoy in-app exclusive content and many more

*Terms & condition apply
